I decided to blog this, since I always appreciate it when I am looking for a specific fix to something and find an answer to exactly my problem. That's kinda what this internet thing is all about after all

I am still running OSX 10.6.8 [Snow Leopard] for a variety of reasons, but I noticed a steady decline in performace over the past year.

I should mention that this is on a Mac-Mini.

I tried everythig I could find, including booting from an install disc and fixing permissions and running all kinds of drive diagnostics. Nothing really seemed to restore the speed and snappiness of my mac back to what it was and should be, since I run 3 machines in a smilar configuration.

So I found this solution, which involves 'fixing' the Launch Services Database

In short type this line into a terminal window:

`sudo find /System/Library/Frameworks -name lsregister` -kill -seed

Again, refer to the instructions for more info, but thats really all there is to it.

Cleared up my Mac Molasses instantly!

[Update] This little command resulted in feeling like I was given a new computer! I can't believe I didn't do/hear about this sooner.