[this post has been updated] Updated my rss feed to reflect curry.com as the home page profile url
This may affect readers, maybe you will get a full archive of all the posts in my feed, not sure. The individual posts still point to adam.smallpict.com
I don't think there is a way to change that.
I'm ok with that, just don't like using resources I'm not paying for.
Hmm, the changes didn't work. In my feed I'm still getting the following channel settings:
This outline is used as identity for Adam Curry, who's url lives at http://adam.smallpict.com
I also appear to be using Fargo1.3 still??
Maybe version 1.4 will fix this
[Update 2]
I option-reloaded in chrome on OSX and now have version 1.04
Testing the fixes...
And it worked.