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By Adam Curry on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 8:25 PM.
No Agenda Show for Thursday June 23d 2011 permalink
Agenda 21 permalink
Direct link to the mp3 file Link permalink
Agenda 21 permalink
Executive Producers: Chris Ruddy, Francine Hardaway, John Schumann, Joshua Dilsaver, Steve Nogradi,  permalink
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Timothy Cavanaugh, Gary Kostalnic permalink
333 Club Members: John Schumann, Joshua Dilsaver, Steve Nogradi permalink
Become a member of the 316 Club, support the show here Link permalink
Knighthoods: Francine Hardaway, John W. Schumann, Lawrence McBride permalink is owned by the LDS church. Thought about starting a little side project, something like, "Ask An Ex-Mormon". permalink
I'm sending the call out to you folks to ask what you think the best domain name could be. I know the following domains are currently available: permalink permalink permalink permalink permalink
... or any other suggestions you might have. permalink
Thanks! permalink
-Jeff permalink
Just registered and ... maybe we should hand out journalism licenses along with the podcast licenses so bloggers can be considered journalists under the whistleblower laws. permalink
Michael permalink
Hello, I have registered and and they are forwarding to This was mentioned on one of the shows around the 300 episode mark, but was never put in the show notes. permalink
I have also registered the following domains and have them forwarding to, but they have never been mentioned on the air: permalink permalink permalink
Thanks! permalink
Todd permalink
In the morning permalink
I have not been using this domain as my home for a while so I am forwarding it to you  permalink
Hope this helps  permalink
Rhys  permalink
gitmo nation Down under permalink
Dear Adam permalink
I am a long time $5 a month subscriber and I just recently updated my subscription to the $11.11 subscription level, I am sending this email because I registered the domain names and I have forwarded both of those domains to and I am wondering if you want me to forward those domains anywhere else ie. a website where you can donate and receive an internet license.  permalink
Thank you for your time permalink
-Ryan Hoskins permalink
Hi Adam permalink
ITM - hope you are well permalink
couldn't resist permalink permalink
to add to the list, now forwarding to permalink
Keep up the good work permalink
Guy permalink
Thanks for adding the domain to the list. ÊI heard permalink
the credit for my 111.11 donation on today's (Sunday's) show, and I expect permalink
the domain will be in Thursday's list of promotions. permalink
ITM Adam, permalink
Couple of things.... I forgot to mention before the show today I registered forwarding to in honor of our friends in Gitmo Nation Sauerkraut. permalink
Also, when I get new domains sent to the gmail address I will keep forwarding them on to you to add to the shownotes, let me know if you would rather a summary email of them all or something, anything I can do to help reduce your email traffic :-) permalink
Cheers permalink
Simon permalink
Hi Adam, permalink
Wanted to tell you a story that just happened, my 75yrs old grandmother just came back from visiting the U.S, so I had to ask, what was it like going through the airports and the TSA. permalink
Well she wasn't too impressed with the body scanner, but the icing on the cake was with the TSA agent advising her that she needs a better supporting bra and how the straps need adjusting..ha. I never knew lingerie advice was part of their remit :) permalink
So in honour of that revelation, I have registered a new domain that will point to the No Agenda news network. permalink permalink
Lovely play on words I think :) permalink
All the best, permalink
Lee. permalink
Lee Kilgallon permalink
The Danish police had proposed abolishing all anonymous Internet access, under the rubric of fighting terrorism. ISPs and companies would be required to gather strong proof of identity (official ID cards and similar) before connecting users, and would be required to retain records. Link permalink Link permalink
Art By: Thoren Link permalink
ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) Link permalink
New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) Link permalink
The No Agenda News Network- Link permalink
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