ÊÊÊÊI forwarded adiosmofo.us, followmeontweeter.net and followmeontweeter.org to noagendashow.com. I sent you an e-mail yesterday explaining that I'm trying to help out a friends family. It took me a couple hours to figure out how to forward them. Hey, I drive a truck for a living, not veryÊinterwebs literate. Anyways, hope you guys can help me out. And I misspelled their facebook link, it's facebook.com/sidorvich.transplant
I am currently forwarding the following URLs to noagendashow.com:
Let me know if you want this to point to a Twitter account instead.
Also I think you picked up on a meme in 316 that may need to be more fully explored.Ê It is the meme of using your penis as a weapon.Ê I think this is used not only to propogate the war againstÊLibya but to further emasuculate males in the United States.Ê It is to make males look at the one major body difference from their female counterparts as something used for harm instead of pleasure.Ê I think this harkens back to the clip you aired where teachers are trying to make boys behave like girls and anything considered masculine to be primitive, undesired and likely evil.
I am enjoying the show since being hit in the mouth by my good friend Matthew Guthrie. ÊI've made a one off donation of $75 and setup a couple of domains to redirect to dvorak.org/na in keeping with your increasing regulatory role on the internet.
Can you also please give Matt a double shot of karma to brighten up his day.