I was buying a domain while finishing last show and tried "thenoagendashow" and saw it wasÊavailableÊfor most TLDs. So I bought a few and forwarded them to noagendashow.com.
Hi adam . I emailed a few days ago regarding a website I have created for the no agenda community . The website is "www.noagendabusiness.com" and is a small business networking website for no agenda listeners with small businesses . This website is open to everyone around the world , and a portion of the proceeds will be donated weekly / monthly to the show . I would appreciate a mention on the show for this to kickstart the idea . Thank you very much
I'm wanting to help out the show. SO if anyone orders a Bruns Clothing jacket, for 12 dollars I will embroider a NoAgenda meme of their choice on the crest (Left chest side). All 12 dollars will be forwarded to the show. "Slave" ,"NoAgendashow.com", "Doug", "Dvorac.Org/NA" or whatever other No Agenda meme.