No Agenda Show for Sunday December 30th 2012 
Mongolian Hat 
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Direct [link] to the mp3 file 
Mongolian Hat 
Executive Producers: Sir Doug Ownes, Sir Thomas Ward, Sir Patrick Vaughan, Sir Donald Filipchuck, Sir Scott WIlliam, Sir Tim, Sir Sean McGrath, I J Hirka, Sir Thomas Badrick, Sir Cloudsigma AG, Sir Bernie Attema 
Associate Executive Producers: Stephen Sorrell, Caique Severo, Matthew DuBiel 
Become a member of the 475 Club, support the show here 
Knighthoods: Doug Owens, Thomas Ward, Patrick Vaughan, Donald Filipchuk, Scott William, Tim, Thomas Baddick, Cloudsigma AG, Bernie Attema, Sean McGrath, Stephen Nelson, Jeffrey Fitch, Nick A Wallace, Scott Morgan [Black Knight], Samantha Esposito [Black Dame] 
Art By: Nick the Rat 
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