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Bitcoin Exchanges. Hmmm
By Adam Curry on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 3:38 PM.

I've been slowly selling my bitcoin permalink

I'm interested in who is making the money on this and how permalink

Observation of the day: The exchanges may be skimming permalink

I've been using BitPay. I like them because they are clear about their fees for exchanging and sending your USD electronically to your bank account. permalink

However, when I looked at the exchange rate just before dong a transaction, it was clearly $60 permalink

Not $59.85 but $60 exactly permalink

So when I sent BTC5 why did it show up as $299.29? permalink

Bitpay doesn't take their commission until they transfer to my bank account. I checked their exchange rate again and it still read $60. permalink

Seems like there may be a small skim taking place here, which I suspect is pretty much the 'industry' standard. permalink

BTW, in case your are wondering this is not the BTC client transaction fee either, that was sent in addition to my BTC5 transfer, making the total transferred out of my wallet BTC5.0005 permalink

[Postscript] 10 minutes after the transaction the Bitpay rate page updated to $59.8, meaning I got a better rate, but NOT the rate as advertised when I executed my transaction. They claim their rates are updated every minute. Apparently not. permalink

This btw is the oldest trading trick in the book, perfected by wall street. permalink

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© Copyright 1997-2013 Adam Curry. Last update: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 3:44 PM GMT. Last build: 3/31/2013; 8:14:36 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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