No Agenda Show for Sunday May 19th 2013 
Patriotic Printer 
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Direct [link] to the mp3 file 
Patriotic Printer 
Executive Producers: Hyperware Technologies, Lady Mary Paul Stewart, Sir Keith Brown, Sir Gene Naftulyev Baron de Marriott, Earl Melancon 
Associate Executive Producers: Jason Montgomery, Jeramey Johnson, Volvo Plus Tuning, Rolf Lehmann, Kenneth Brudzinski, Robert Hill, Kent O'Rourke, David Varney 
514 Club Members: Black Baron David Foley 
Become a member of the 515 Club, support the show here 
Titles: Sir Keith Brown -> Baronet Keith Brown, Mary Paul Stewart --> Lady Mary Paul Stewart 
Art By: Jesse Anderson 
ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) 
New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) 
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