No Agenda Show for Thursday July 4th 2013 
Odious Selfies 
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Direct [link] to the mp3 file 
Odious Selfies 
Executive Producers: David Bruneff, Big Ass Blond, Ron Schutjens, Dame Francine Hardaway, Dame Janice Kang, Francis & Nancy Mclure, Sir Random Hillbilly, Steven Fettig 
Associate Executive Producers: Francis Lambert, Jerry Zak, Colin Sloman 
527 Club Members: Big Ass Blond 
Become a member of the 528 Club, support the show here 
Double Producers Credits: 
Garry Whitehead 
Sir Dwayne Melancon 
Michael Slisinger 
Luke From Munich 
Sir Dr. Sharkey 
James Crossett 
Chris Heffley 
Symbio Agency 
Michael Levin 
Daniel Miller 
David Foley (Black Baron of Silicon Valley) 
Hendrick Smit 
Dame Francine Hardaway 
Baronetess Janice Kang 
Ryan Bemrose 
Robert Hegedus 
Nicolas Roth 
Robert Tennent 
Kevin LaCombe 
Tobiah Marks 
Karen Edwards 
Brian Ferguson 
Roy Pingel 
Brian Newman 
Wesley Young 
Art By: Dennis Cruise 
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