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HowTo copy files from a ReadyNAS Duo to an external USB drive
By Adam Curry on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 7:57 PM.
A picture named duo_reflect2Small.jpgI have a ReadyNAS DUO that I use for network storage. permalink
It is mainly used for Mac Time Machine backups, but also as a central storage for video production. permalink
The bulk for the files stored there, when it comes to size, are never touched again. They are masters of 'appisodes' of the Big App Show. They are huge. 1-2 GB per file. permalink
I love the ReadyNAS DUO, because of it's ease of use and compatibility with all flavours of systems, as well as it's multi drive redundancy. If one drive craps out, another takes over. permalink
But of course there are limits to all storage solutions, and the hundreds of master video files are now taking up 80% of the avilable space. (The ReadyNAS emailed me this in a report) permalink
Since the master video files are never used, I wanted to move them off onto their own USB drive for storage, in the unlikely event I will ever need them again. $89 for a Westerdn Digital 2TB drive is a very decent value for any time I might have to spend re-exporting or worse, re-creating an appisode should the need call for it. I value my time. permalink
Unfortunately, upon connecting the drive, out of the box, to the ReadyNAS DUO's USB port it only showed 196MB of free space. permalink
I reformatted the drive with the Mac Disk Utility to no avail, the NAS still only showed just shy of 200MB free space on an empty drive. permalink
Off to google land, which is getting worse by the day it seems, which is the entire reason I'm writing this post. I hope that one day someone else running into this problem will google the title of this post, as I did, and come across this information. It's how this interweb stuff is supposed to work after all. permalink
I did run across this good samaritan, 5 pages of search results deep and recognized my exact problem, albeit with a Windows solution. permalink
Of course I have the Asus netbook, but since it's running Windows 'Starter Edition' I don't have enough permissions to re-format the drive as needed. Thanks Redmond! permalink
My fix was to start a format on the mac with disk utility and interrupt the process by cancelling out and disconnecting the drive. permalink
Upon reconnecting the drive isn't recognized and disk utilities opens automatically telling me I need to do a full reformat. I simply selected the FAT32 optioin and hit erase. AFter a few minutes the drive was ready to be re-connected to the NAS and presto! The admin program shows it as having 1.8TB of free space. permalink
Next I ssh'd into the NAS, as you really don't want to be copying 100's of GB over the network. Not only will it take literally days, but it will probably caise a stack overflow of the cheap ass Time Warner Cable router/modem. permalink
In order to do this, you will have to install the EnableRootSSH extension. It sounds scarier than it is. From a Termoinal window you type: ssh root@ip.address.of.the.nas permalink
Type your password when prompted and you're in. permalink
From here you will need a bit of basic knowledge of command line navigation and file manipulation.  permalink
On my system I did the following: permalink
cd /media/Videos/Finals permalink
mv *.mov /USB/USB_HD_1 permalink
It'll still take quite a while to move all the files, predicated by the speed of the USB, but it's all happening in the bacjground, isn't taking up any network or computer resources and I will feel great having all that space back and the archive safely stored for any future needs. permalink
Hope this helps if you were googling for the answer! permalink

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