Hope the Hot Pockets 2008 tour is going well. I am a faithful listener and unfortunately have been a boner the past year and half. Times has been hard as anyone can understand. I have a domain I that I just set to forward to No Agenda "paranoidradio.com. It was a site that I was going to upload my own podcasts too. Unfortunately I don't have a podcast license and hope to get one soon. Please take this as my donation to the show. Hopefully I will get some good "karma" soon and will be able to continue my donations towards knighthood. I look forward to your show and have 2weeks worth of news to catch up on. Say hello to Buzkill for me and let him know we need more restaurant reviews.
The first step in any vast conspiracy is to infilitrate various organizations with your shills and puppets. So, No Agenda Nation's shill placement service will help you find a job!