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By Adam Curry on Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 8:09 PM.
No Agenda Show for Thursday August 25th 2011 permalink
Lions Stood Still permalink
Direct Link to the mp3 file Link permalink
Lions Stood Still permalink
Executive Producers: Bryan Raley, Alan Thompson, Michael Kearns, Oscar Nadal, Richard Hyde, Robert Claeson, Scott Hankel permalink
Associate Executive Producers: Scott Hankel permalink
Executive Producers and 333 Club members: Bryan Raley, Alan Thompson, Michael Kearns, Oscar Nadal, Richard Hyde, Robert Claeson, Scott Hankel permalink
A.J. Rystad, Allan Thompson, Michael Kearns, Oscar Nadal, Richard Hyde, Robert Claeson, Scott Hankel, thespecialgoodness, AG, William Arcand, Jonas Astrom, Alan Bauer, Dean Bertram, Guy Boazy, James Brewis, Susan L Brigham, JamesÊ Briscoe, Jennifer Buchanan, Joe Burton, JAMES CARSON, Benjamin Caudill, Joshua Dilsaver, Brian Doerr, DavidÊ Dolson, Robin Duerden, Jed Duffey, Brian Ferguson, Steve Fisher, Simen Fjeld-Olsen, JamesÊ, Lawrence Froncek, Victor Gregg, Victor Gregg, Paul Groves, Francine Hardaway, Michael Henry, Yaasi'El Hernandez, G Lenski, David Hoffman, James Howard, James Howard, James Irvine, Kris Jacob, Brian Kaufman, Brad R King, MattÊ Koglin, Nikola Kress, Gary Lader, Ian Larsen, David Lee, Joseph Leeper, Chad Marbut, Nathan Marshall, Mark Martinet, NateÊ Mayer, Norman McDonough, Steven McGrath, Dwayne Melancon, Matthew Moss, Sebastian Nilsson, steve nogradi, Steven Pelsmaekers, David Peterson, Craig Porter, Kevin Schneider, JOHN W SCHUMANN, Justin Seitz, SnorreÊ Steen, Matthew Stroh, James Sutton, Josiah Thomas, Joe Travis, Mark True, Gavin Warren, Jennifer Whalan, ChristianÊ Winter, Michael Zelina, Ying Zhu, Kent Zieser permalink
Become a member of the 334 Club, support the show here Link permalink
Knighthoods: Jordan Wyatt permalink
Adam,Ê permalink
Thanks for organizing the meet up this week, we all had such a blast.ÊMy brother (Matt) NEVER visits my sister and I in DC, so you guys really brought our family together. permalink
The earthquake was also good kismet. Seriously, less than like 5 mins before the quake we were walking around The Mall and our friend Pete (who gave you the drone) said to us, "You know 9/11 happened on a day just like today". ÊTimes are so crazy. Ê permalink
Anyway, here are the gift URL's I mentioned:Ê permalink permalink
prosperityactionpodcast.comÊ permalink
It is a spin off of Paul Ryan's Prosperity PAC and Prosperity Action nonsense. Still not linked, will do that Êshortly. ÊAlso, attached is a pic from the meet up, I know Tom (no agenda photos) took a bunch more and will probably send over on his own.Ê permalink
Thanks for your hard work guys!Ê permalink
KristenÊ permalink
Hey John and Adam, permalink
In the never-ending quest for Guinness gold (world records not beer), I pointed to permalink
Sorry for being a boner not a donor, but slavery doesn't pay what it used to. Ê permalink
If you can see your way clear, please de-douche me. permalink
Your loyal Slave, permalink
Jeff in San Francisco permalink
Adam, permalink
Earlier in the year in a moment of frustration at gitmo East's state sponsored muggers, HMRC, I registered - appreciate that this may be a little too fruity to mention on the show but it's now been redirected to the show website.  permalink
Regards, permalink
Stu. - $11.11/month comfort level producer ;-) permalink
-- permalink
Stu Coates permalink
In the Morning Adam, John. Ê permalink
I have registered another domain and pointed it to noagendashow,com.Ê permalink
www.agenda33.comÊ permalink
Looking forward to episode 333. Great job. permalink
Peter Funk permalink
ITM Adam, permalink
Ê permalink
Hierbij nog een leuk domeintje wat hier over is. Een klant heeft het destijds bij ons gereistreerd maar die zakelijk relatie is stuk gelopen. Het doet me dan ook extra genoegen deze te forwarden, plus het is ook nog eens een toepasselijke naam J. permalink
Ê permalink permalink
Ê permalink
All the best, permalink
Ê permalink
Pieter permalink
Adam, permalink
I've been listening since lateÊFebruary. ÊPolitics and the wars, and being unemployed were driving me crazy. ÊYour show, becoming employed again and Ray Kuirzwel has helped me to lighten up and put thingsÊin perspective. ÊThere is a lot of messed up stuff going down, but the future is bright. permalink
I am not a donor yet although I haveÊboughtÊclothing and stickers. ÊI have a domain, and was curious if you wanted itÊforwarded, its kind ofÊinflammatory, so I though I would ask.Ê permalink
Thanks, permalink
Peter Weesner permalink
I feel like a douchebag as i thought that the show on 8/21 was # 333. My 40th Birthday was on 8/21 and bought a podcast license in honor of the day. On show 332 I heard you mention my birthday for thursdays show. To hopefully prevent some bad Karma by my screw up of the show numbers and days, ÊI bought the domain name INVISIBLECANDIDATE.COM and forwarded it to This is in response of the media totally ignoring and pretending that Ron Paul doesn't exist. permalink
Rick Haskins $50 permalink
Roy Wichhart $60 / Kamra for his cat Bruce permalink
Bryan Raley $367 - Karma and podcast license permalink
Pete The TEacher $60 de-douching permalink
Steven Drew $40 Karma and p-license permalink
Art By: Thoren permalink
ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) Link permalink
New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) Link permalink
The No Agenda News Network- Link permalink
Subscribe to our Podcast Feed Link permalink

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© Copyright 1997-2012 Adam Curry. Last update: Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 8:09 PM GMT. Last build: 5/8/2012; 2:45:59 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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