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By Adam Curry on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 7:54 PM.
No Agenda Show for Sunday August 28th 2011 permalink
"Hunker Down" permalink
Direct Link tot the mp3 file Link permalink
"Hunker Down" permalink
Executive Producers: Sir Matthew Carey, Sir David Hoffman, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers, Jake Rock, Parler Haut permalink
Executive Producers and 334 Club members: Sir David Hoffman, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers permalink
Become a member of the 335 Club, support the show here Link permalink
Knighthoods: Jake Rock permalink
Art By: Nick the Rat permalink
These you have to purchase in game in the "Social District"Ê They will stay up for a week and are seen by pretty much everyone who wants to customize there toon, or buy sell or trade.Ê This is in the game APB reloaded. The server I play on has around 20,000 people so a couple thousand at least will see this.Ê Unlike the other one which is only there while your personally on the server and is only a 100 man instance.Ê Anyways spreading the word in some way!! permalink
Ê permalink
Ê permalink
BTW permalink
Ê permalink
You didn't mention my song like you said you would when I met you in Shickshinny.Ê I understand, but I just want it mentioned so I could buy my knighthood buy a knighthood. permalink
Ê permalink
Government by permalink
jonny b and the dirty hippies permalink
available everywhere fine and shitty digital music is sold. permalink
Ê permalink
Thanks lots of karma to you permalink
Your friend in slavery, permalink
Ê permalink
Ê permalink
Jon Gabriel Bolland II permalink
Please don't mention my name when you inform the audience of the below permalink
domain. ÊIt is rather unique and I don't want the attention. permalink permalink permalink
Thank you for the Show permalink
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© Copyright 1997-2012 Adam Curry. Last update: Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 7:54 PM GMT. Last build: 5/8/2012; 2:45:59 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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