I just thought I'd shoot you an email because I made a donation over 50 dollars from my paypal (kjadvent@hotmail.com) and my message may be too long for the spreadsheet, and for PR, I bought the domain name www.RickPerryIsAnIdiot.com and its forwarding to No Agenda; Êin the near future I'd like to make a no agenda themed characterÊassassinationÊwebsite about Perry along the lines of this website made about Prime Minister Harper before the election,Êhttp://www.shitharperdid.ca/Ê
Great job providing us slaves with such a high quality product!
I am a fairly new listener and have not contributed. Yet.
I have forwarded the following domains and enclosed a proposed bumper sticker associated with them. I have sat on them for a while in hopes of getting them printed, but lack of staff in my business has made me real busy just trying to get by. Hopefully someone can take it to the finish line.
Just wanted to inform you that inthemorningeverybody.com and the woefully misspelled inthemorningEVERbody.com now forward to noagendashow.com. ÊLove the show.