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By Adam Curry on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:53 PM.
No Agenda Show for Thursday September 15th 2011 permalink
Cocked Pistol permalink
Direct link to the mp3 file Link permalink
Cocked Pistol permalink
Executive Producer: Anonymous permalink
Associate Executive Producers: Sir John Smith, Kate Marengo permalink
Special Producer Brazil No Agenda Studios: Eric Lieb permalink
Become a member of the 340 Club, support the show here Link permalink
You won't get this but iÊforwarder to, I was going to make a fan site for aÊvideo game called Dark Souls but IÊdecided not to.ÊÊÊ permalink
Hi Adam,  permalink
A couple of new domains pointing to courtesy of the techno experts and Sundays show...  permalink permalink permalink
--  permalink
Pete Dobson permalink now forwards to permalink
Hey Adam,Ê permalink
Ê Ê ÊThis domain forward is my first step in becoming a part of the NA family and hope to be donating soon. With my new position at my job it makes it harder for me to listen to the podcast and I have had to drop most of the other podcasts I listened to due to timeÊconstraints but I still manage to get my dose of 2 NA shows per week. Thank you and John for the show!!Ê permalink
Michael CrosslandÊ permalink permalink
Tim Smith permalink
I was shocked to learn there was a No Agenda bingo game mentioned on last Thursday's show!Ê Especially since I actually programmed one and put one up a few months back but never actually took the time to write in and tell you. permalink permalink
Mine's a little different, I suppose.Ê Mine's more like a bingo game for the show itself rather than just the buzz words.Ê It's focused around the recurring themes both buzz word related and just general show related happenings. permalink
Cheers!Ê Still listening and donating since episode # 1. permalink
Nate in New York permalink
John and Adam, permalink
Great 9/11/11 show. ÊNever forget :-)Ê permalink
Please de-douche me. permalink permalink
Sincerely, permalink
Jeff Yerkey permalink
From Scott McKenzie permalink
I wanted to let you know that I've just released a special limited edition hardback version of One Day in Gitmo Nation.Ê There are a few important things to note about it: permalink
1. It costs $33.33 from permalink
2. 66% of my profits from this version go to No Agenda permalink
3. $7.77 = 66% of my profits permalink
4. It is available only for the last 111 days of this year (i.e. today until Dec 31st) permalink
5. Inside the back cover is a QR code that links to a free download copy permalink
6. It's the perfect Christmas gift for No Agenda producers to give to their friends and family! ;) permalink
At the moment there are only two ways of getting your hands on this version of the novel: permalink
1. Following the link to its page on via permalink
Knighthoods: Gregory Lodrup permalink
ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) Link permalink
New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) Link permalink
The No Agenda News Network- Link permalink
Subscribe to our Podcast Feed Link permalink

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© Copyright 1997-2012 Adam Curry. Last update: Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:53 PM GMT. Last build: 5/8/2012; 2:46:16 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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