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By Adam Curry on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 8:33 PM.
No Agenda Show for Sunday October 30th 2011 permalink
Bean Bag Drone permalink
Direct link to the mp3 file Link permalink
Bean Bag Drone permalink
Executive Producers: Dirk Modrow permalink
Become a member of the 353 Club, support the show here Link permalink is now forwarding to NAS permalink
haven't had a chance to listen to last 3 episodes... have 20 hour car ride starting tomorrow, will be loaded up for bear.  permalink
best, permalink
Todd permalink
Dear Adam, I was having a conversation with some of my friends and I realized that the weapons that early humans used were stone and then while listening to NA 351 I put stone and drone together and thought that a URL that marks our history of murder was in order so I registered and forwardedÊ permalink
Thanks for making the BEST PODCAST IN THEÊUNIVERSE permalink
-Ryan Hoskins permalink
Hey Adam, I'm an unemployed slave and I've been a $11.11 monthly recurring donor not boner. I just wanted let you know that I am forwarding and to Never heard you mention them on the show and didn't know if you knew. Love the show, keep up the de-brainwashing. permalink
David Hayden  permalink
Sacramento, Ca permalink
How did THIS one get missed: permalink
Ê permalink is now forwarding to permalink
Ê permalink
(or at least it will when GoDaddy is done doing their voodoo) permalink
Ê permalink
and don't forget about Ð click that more info link! permalink
Ê permalink
ITM! permalink
Ê permalink
Sir Craig Peters (aka Sir LOHAD) permalink and now forwarding to permalink
Ê permalink
Regards, permalink
Ê permalink
Blake permalink
Hey Adam and John, permalink
No Agenda channel is live in the Roku's channel store under news and permalink
special interest categories! permalink
In an hour its been live we got 40 installs. Old private channel has permalink
about 80 users, which it pretty good for one show mention and a broken permalink
link the the show notes :) permalink
If you want o tweet about it Patrick wanted to plug @RokuPlayer - see permalink
below. I've also set up @NoAgendaRoku to collect feedback/bugs. permalink
Alex. permalink
Linux Port permalink
ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) Link permalink
New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) Link permalink
The No Agenda News Network- Link permalink
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© Copyright 1997-2012 Adam Curry. Last update: Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 8:33 PM GMT. Last build: 5/8/2012; 2:46:26 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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