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Presidential PR
By Adam Curry on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 2:58 PM.
Watching the President in this video, I question if the executive branch should be promoting twitter or any other competitive service over another. permalink
Why should we only use twitter to communicate to our representatives? What's wrong with email, telephone, letters (remember those?) or for that matter any other multitude of social networks like Facebook and Google+? permalink
Why not suggest people blog about it on Wordpress or Tumblr? permalink
Surely we can't rely on only one means of getting the attention of our elected representatives? permalink
Or is this some form of Public Relations push for the twitter company? permalink
I don't see this form of preferential treatment coming from the Whitehouse for any other industry, like the automotive, or airlines. "Take your Ford and go to the mall this weekend to support the economy" would certainly raise concern, so why not in the technology industry? permalink
I'm sure its related to the equally unjust practice of archiving all tweets sent (evah!) in the library of congress. permalink

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© Copyright 1997-2012 Adam Curry. Last update: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 3:03 PM GMT. Last build: 5/8/2012; 2:46:41 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

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