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World Outline Podcast
By Adam Curry on Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 3:38 PM.
What's this? A New Podcast? Huh? permalink
I was listening to the podcast I did with Dave Winer this morning and realized that it is out of context for most readers of my blog and many listeners of the No Agenda Show. permalink
This particular podcast isn't a show per se. Its a companion to the work we have been collaborating on for the past 2 years. permalink
The context is development of the World Outline, an application that runs in the OPML Editor. permalink
We expect the audience to be small, initially only for users and developers who have been following the work on the mailing list. permalink
So what is the World Outline? I"m not sure either of us can explain it and pass the elevator test. I have written about it here and here from my perspective, but I would probably have written a different piece if I were to do that today permalink
And that's also what this podcast is about. It is a conversation that rarely happens in software development. A discussion between the developer and the user. permalink
There's no production other than the recording of a skype call we do regularly anyway. permalink
Historically speaking this is an interesting moment. The last time we did this together was in 2004. At that time we had similar conversations about a project we were working on that evolved into a media shift known as Podcasting. permalink
What's nice now, 8 years later is that we are both older, and have learned a lot about each other and are in different phases of our lives.  permalink
Where this will take us, I have no idea. I guess we're just Startin' Somethin'. permalink
[postscript] permalink
The BBC did something similar to what I'm hearing us do here when they made actual profgramming for radio and television about their personal computer permalink

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