The transition to the rackspace server looks to be a success.
Now I can shut down that very expensive EC2 server on Amazon...
If you are actively using or to post to the No Agenda news Network, please contact me via email so I can transition you and your feed to the new system.
--scratch that, we are still talking to the old server it seems..-
2/4/2013; 10:07:39 PM. 0.
We started receiving reports of the No Agenda show no longer showing up in iTunes as a podcast yesterday and today it appears the show is no longer available in any country in the iTunes podcast 'store'.
I'm going to give Apple the benefit of the doubt here. The feed for the podcast is definitely still known to the system, since I tried re-submitting it and received a message the the feed had already been submitted.
So while I'm not sure what is going on, now is the perfect time to cut the cloud out of the equation. To continue to enjoy your media assassination uninterrupted by third parties, simply subscribe to the show's feed directly in iTunes or the Podcast app, which I presume also is not showing us anymore.
The feed is:
If you're using any other type of podcast client, or podcatcher as we like to call it, you should probably make this conversion as well. ITM!
2/4/2013; 7:32:19 AM. 4.