CURRY.COM - Adam Curry

There are no secrets, Only information you don't yet have

Feed changes

[this post has been updated] Updated my rss feed to reflect as the home page profile url

This may affect readers, maybe you will get a full archive of all the posts in my feed, not sure. The individual posts still point to

I don't think there is a way to change that.

I'm ok with that, just don't like using resources I'm not paying for.


Hmm, the changes didn't work. In my feed I'm still getting the following channel settings:

Adam Curry - blog

This outline is used as identity for Adam Curry, who's url lives at

Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:05:35 GMT

Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:05:35 GMT


Fargo v1.03


I also appear to be using Fargo1.3 still??

Maybe version 1.4 will fix this

[Update 2]

I option-reloaded in chrome on OSX and now have version 1.04

Testing the fixes...


And it worked.

8/9/2013; 11:58:59 AM


No Agenda Show for Thursday August 8th 2013

Thick & Creamy

A picture named NA-537-Art-SM.jpg

Direct [link] to the mp3 file

Thick & Creamy

Executive Producers: Black Knight of Silicon Valley, Baron Thomas of Bahrain, Sir Funk, Grand Duke Pelsmaekers, Sir Patrick Wilson, Sir William Ashbee

537 Club Member: Black Knight of Silicon Valley

Become a member of the 538 Club, support the show here

Knighthoods: Josh McDonald -> Sir Funk, William Ashbee -> Sir William

Titles: Thomas Pullyard -> Baron Thomas of Bahrain

Art By: MartinJJ

ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc)

New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

The No Agenda News Network-

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Torrents of each episode via BitLove

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8/8/2013; 3:55:35 PM

Comments Change

I made a mistake in the initial setup of my Fargo to S3 system. I was using the default settings which meant all disqus comments were using a group name not belonging to me.

I've changed this

Unfortunately any existing comments got nuked in the process :-(

And so it goes...


The deeper I delve into Fargo, the better it gets. I can totally bring back the original comments for selected posts.

This is some groovy shit.

8/8/2013; 8:38:30 AM

Building a New Email Server

During our European vacation, something broke on my mail server that I've been running from home for the past 3 years.

The server is a mac mini running OSX Server. Setup was a breeze and it's been performing with little to no maintenance all this time.

Of course breakage occurs when you're thousands of miles away. [Thanks Murphy]

The problem is a drive that is on the verge of failing and I will have to get a replacement to ensure the server's integrity

I took advantage of the opportunity to install an interim fix by building a linux server running CentOS and the iRedmail package

iRedmail is free and is pretty easy to install if you have at least some familiarity with a command line.

The installation really isn't much more than copying a couple commands that are listed on the install page

After creating the required mx record on my dns, emails started flowing and I'm testing a combination of the IMAP server and web client, which is the Roundcube software. Its pretty spiffy, especially compared to squirrel mail that I've been using to date and is a part of the OSX Server package

I'm especially impressed with the grey/white/black listing capabilities of iRedmail. So far it's really doing a good job, and I will post my findings again in a few days.

8/7/2013; 10:57:39 PM

Slugifying my titles

Got Eric's script. Trying it out

8/7/2013; 10:42:51 PM

Not Shown on TV Anymore

Last night upon landing at Austin's Bergstrom airport from Atlanta (we flew from Amsterdam to Atlanta first), as we taxied from the runway, the captain came on the intercom and asked all passengers to wait a few moments before disembarking to allow for the honor guard accompanying a "fallen soldier" to disembark first.

Immediately I understood why I had seen flashing lights on the apron as we approached to land, two fire trucks created a water arch for the aircraft to pass through on its way to the gate, and on the tarmac was a full honor guard, hearse, military personnel and the soldier's family.

Though most passengers waited as requested and then disembarked, I could not leave my seat. I felt that not watching the entire proceeding would somehow be wrong, dishonorable.

As the cargo door opened, I saw at least one female member of the family collapse in agony.

I know that this is an occurrence that happens almost daily still at airports across the country, yet it is never televised, as the flag draped coffins during the Vietnam war most definitely were.

I tried googling for more information, but even several searches result in nothing informational

Maybe if we put these scenes back on primetime TV, citizens would pay more attention to what is really going on with these illegal wars and the propagandistic way in which they are reported on by the compromised media.

No wonder newspapers are selling for pennies on the dollar.

People are figuring out how full of shit they really are.

8/7/2013; 4:23:08 PM

New Update Scripts

I've now boiled my update scripts down to 2 mirror scripts that I need to run. Still another level of abstraction needed, but right now I just provide the url of the new post in my smallpict blog and that file is mirrored to the s3 bucket, as is the home page and rss file.

This post is the first test.

8/7/2013; 3:39:06 PM

Fargo to S3

I've been thinking about how to move my new posts created with Fargo over to, which is static files, hosted on Amazon S3.

The main objective is to preserve all previous posts that have been created at through the scripting2 tool in the opml editor.

After ample research, I decided to use wget and s3cmd to mirror the site to

Here's a script that I used in a slight modified form to make it work

This works nicely, since the folder structure of yyy/mm/dd remains the same and so nothing pre-existing got 'clobbered'

So now after publishing a post, I trigger the 'updateblog' script, and all new files and the feed file (rss.xml) are updated.


I"m realizing this isn't the most efficient way to do this, and am investigating how to tweak the scripts to only transfer files that have changed since last update.

8/7/2013; 10:51:11 AM

Back home in Austin Yah!

8/7/2013; 9:53:22 AM

No Agenda Show for Sunday August 4th 2013

Ready for Huma

A picture named NA-535-Art-SM.jpg

Direct [link] to the mp3 file

Ready for Huma

Executive Producers: Sir Whosoever, Sir Gene Baron de Marriott Sherrif of Texas, Sir Nate Wilson, No Agenda Slave Mart

Associate Executive Producers: Sir William Baughman, Sir P. Sneekes, Todd Brink, Brian House

536 Club Members: Sir Gene Baron de Marriott Sherrif of Texas

Become a member of the 537 Club, support the show here

Knighthoods: Sir Whosoever, Sir Nate Wilson

Art By: MartinJJ

ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc)

New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

The No Agenda News Network-

RSS Podcast Feed

Get the No Agenda News App for your iPhone and iPad

Torrents of each episode via BitLove

New! BitTorrent Sync the No Agenda Show

8/4/2013; 4:20:42 PM


No Agenda Show for Thursday August 1st 2013

Swivel-Chair Speed

A picture named NA-535-Art-SM.jpg

Direct [link] to the mp3 file

Swivel-Chair Speed

Executive Producers: Barry Hanna, Steven Sevchuk,

Associate Executive Producers: The Icognegro, Philipne Vlasman-Vinke, Michael & Melody, Sir Oscar Nadal, Alphonse Enonomous, Robert Montoya, Michael Levin, Keith Brown, Baron Sir Dr. Sharkey

Become a member of the 536 Club, support the show here

Art By: Joe The Dish Slave

ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc)

New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

The No Agenda News Network-

RSS Podcast Feed

Get the No Agenda News App for your iPhone and iPad

Torrents of each episode via BitLove

NEW! BitTorrent Sync

8/1/2013; 4:02:55 PM