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By Adam Curry on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 9:18 PM.
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The safe and efficient movement of goods across our nation is critical for our businesses Link permalink
[VIDEO] - Trains Good, Planes Bad, Whoo Whoo! Exploring government sponsored propaganda Link permalink
Ousted Egyptian president receiving hospital treatment in Sharm El Sheikh after subpoenas issued to him and his sons Link permalink
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been taken to hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh. Mr Mubarak, 82, stood down on 11 February following an 18-day popular uprising against his rule. He had been reported to be in bad health but AIDES HAD DENIED THIS. He has been summoned by the... Link permalink
Adams is currently in court charged with threatening to kill Farage and a CAA investigator. Link permalink
The BBC reported that a man calling himself Justin Adams told a police officer, "I now have a 9mm pistol, I've got the means - I will take them out and then myself", in a recording played to the court. permalink
Police have described the case as 'mysterious'. In a statement, they said: 'Police received a call informing us that a person is believed to have fallen from height from a building located along Collyer Quay, into the waters of Marina Bay. Link permalink
Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving "Mother Earth" the same rights as humans having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country. Link permalink
"But if the scientific picture is getting worse, as soundings at the EGU would indicate... what then? Do the politics reflect the new urgency that science appears to be generating? And if not, can they be reformed so they do" - You don't agree. YOU need to change. Link permalink
A federal government inspector general has revealed prima facie proof that the so-called independent inquiries widely if implausibly described as clearing the ClimateGate principals of wrongdoing were, in fact, whitewashes. This has been confirmed to Senate offices. It will not... Link permalink
Evan Mills, who works at Lawrence Livermore Labs but conducted the study in his own time, estimates that indoor pot growing accounts for 1 per cent of energy usage in the United States, with each spliff representing two pounds of CO2 emission. Heavy. Link permalink
Fortis Bank NV, the Belgian banking unit of BNP Paribas (BNP) SA, fell victim to tax fraudsters and lost more than 72 million euros ($104.5 million) in 2009 after buying emission-permits from a criminal organization, De Tijd newspaper reported, without saying where it got the... Link permalink
A Sydney school thought to have become the first in the world to go ''carbon neutral'' by saving a Malaysian rainforest from logging appears to have been deceived by carbon offset company shift2neutral. Link permalink
The newly combined organization is expected to have a budget of about $15 million and a staff of 70. The group will have main offices in New York, Los Angeles and London. Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bloomberg will each control the appointment of three board members. Link permalink
California officials announced Tuesday that the state will expand its newly adopted carbon-trading program to three Canadian provinces, creating the largest regional cap-and-trade system in North America. Link permalink
The study by 200 European experts says reactive nitrogen contributes to air pollution, fuels climate change and is estimated to shorten the life of the average resident by six months. Link permalink
The Government's contribution of £7 million to the World Bank's Partnership for Market Readiness joins financial support from the European Commission, Germany, Norway, Australia and the US. Link permalink
The EU next week will propose taxing transport and heating fuels according to their greenhouse-gas emissions as well as their energy content, introducing a climate-change component in EU tax rules for the first time. Link permalink
Disney avoids emission cuts by investing $15.5 million in carbon offsetting schemes criticised by campaigners, including projects soon to be banned in the EU Link permalink
An Indonesian MP has stepped down from his position after being caught looking at pornography during a parliamentary debate. Link permalink
Indonesians can be jailed for up to 15 years, or fined, for kissing in public, exposure of a woman's bits and pieces or displaying erotic art. Link permalink
Silvana Koch-Mehrin, the liberal vice president of the European parliament, faces accusations that - as in the case of Guttenberg - she inserted passages into her doctoral thesis without properly citing the original authors. Link permalink
PORTLAND, Ore (Reuters) - Oregon state lawmakers, capitalizing on a long-running Internet meme, have created a YouTube sensation by slipping the lyrics from a song by 1980s pop star Rick Astley into floor speeches. Link permalink
As President Obama weighed in on one of the most important issues of the day, outlining his plan to deal with deficit reduction and attack the national debt, at least one audience member did not appear to be fully engaged. Biden, at one point, could be seen apparently nodding off or at least deep in thought. The bug was catching, too. The woman in glasses directly behind Biden appears to close her eyes too. Link permalink
The politician, the FAA investigation determined, still elected to land avoiding the men and the equipment on the runway.In a bid to avoid legal enforcement action, Inhofe, who has a commercial pilotâ license, agreed to complete a program of remedial training, according to an FAA letter sent in January to Inhofe, a third-term Republican senator from Oklahoma. Inhofe is pictured at right. Link permalink
Opposition parties on the right and Uruguay's retired military are angry at the change (Duh!) Link permalink
Nicholas Westcott, MD in EEAS for Africa with the committee on Foreign Affairs, welcomes the announcement by Alassane Ouattara regarding the future of Ivory Coast. He can hardly hold back his glee as he talks about the EU companies and cocoa. He must love chocolate. Link permalink
Clooney's film will be based on a 2009 Washington Post feature on Neel Kashkari, the former Goldman Sachs executive who put together and helped administer the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Link permalink
Former US president Bill Clinton met on Friday Haiti president-elect Michel Martelly to discuss ways to accelerate reconstruction of the earthquake-ravaged country. Clinton, co-chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), called on international donors to honour... Link permalink
The Miami Herald reports FBI agents searched the home and office of Anthony V. Mangione, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in South Florida Link permalink
As a child welfare expert who has worked amid bullets and bombs in some of the world's toughest war zones, Jennifer Morgan is not someone easily shaken. But even she admits she was shocked by some of the orphanages she visited recently in Haiti. Link permalink
Though he's a policy wonk's policy wonk, Orszag didn't go to academia. He started a regular gig at The New York Times op-ed page. And in mid-December he joined Citi as vice chairman of the investment-banking... Link permalink
RT_com: McChrystal returns to public service Link permalink
Glencore was founded in 1974 by Marc Rich, who was charged with tax evasion and illegal oil trading with Iran in 1983. Rich hid out in Switzerland, and was eventually pardoned by former President Bill Clinton on his last day in office. Link permalink
But even though Feinberg has paid out almost $3 billion to 168,000 claimants, don't expect to read about any love-fests. The town of Grand Isle, La., prepared for its session with the 65-year-old lawyer by gathering signatures on a petition that asks for Feinberg to be... Link permalink
A friend, a very big wheel indeed in finance, tells me that the higher ed bubble is about to pop, and about time, too, since federal interference in education has led only to vastly higher prices... Link permalink
Even more disturbing, the major stakeholder in the Bahrain bank is none other than the Central Bank of Libya, which owns 59 percent of the operation. In fact, the Bahrain bank just received a special exemption from the U.S. Treasury to prevent its assets from being frozen in... Link permalink
The world's largest bond fund began betting against U.S. government debt last month on the expectation that shaky finances will jolt interest rates higher. Link permalink
But to hear the banks explain it, the rules aren't needed because fee rates have barely risen. Each side has trotted out numbers supporting its stance. Lawmakers are on the verge of voting on legislation that would delay the rules for further study. But what are the facts? Link permalink
"You're a public utility, for crying out loud," he said. Link permalink
The International Monetary Fund on Monday urged the US to begin addressing its yawning budget deficit this year rather than putting off the pain and missing G20 fiscal targets. Link permalink
The banks dread a world in which consumers pay cash instead of borrowing at 18%. The recession has brought closer such a world: total debit transactions now exceed credit transactions. Responding to merchant complaints about unduly expensive debit fees, last year's... Link permalink
The British and Gitmo Nation Lowlands) governments are taking steps to sue Gitmo Nation Volcano in order to claw back the billions of euros they paid to depositors in their countries after Gitmo Nation Volcano banks collapsed in 2008.  Link permalink
The plan will see Salt Lake City's public transport system accepting pay-by-wave from a mobile phone by the middle of next year. Retailers have also been encouraged to adopt Near Field Communications technology at the point of sale, as Salt Lake City strives to become The... Link permalink
Sec. 298. Notwithstanding section 101, amounts are provided for Department of Transportation--Federal Railroad Administration--Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service' at a rate for operations of $1,000,000,000. Link permalink
The order has no case number, no county of venue, and lists no parties to any dispute. It appears to be simply information that the judge would like to have. In an order signed April 6, the Supreme Court of Mississippi stayed the case and ordered Judge Walker to respond and... Link permalink
Breast cancer fundraising bracelets that proclaim "I (heart) boobies!" are not lewd or vulgar and can't be banned by public school officials who find them offensive, a federal judge in Pennsylvania said. Link permalink
Principal Elsa Carmona said her intention is to protect students from their own unhealthful food choices. Link permalink
A number of politicians and bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are seeking to step up the Internal Revenue Service's powers, and technology, to essentially audit taxpayers before returns are even filed. permalink
n remarks to the National Press Club last week, an IRS spokesman unveiled the agency's vision for the "look forward" model in which most of the pertinent reporting information for the average taxpayer (W2, 1099, mortgage interest etc.) would be submitted to the... Link permalink
A small camera fitted to the glasses can capture 400 facial images per second and send them to a central computer database storing up to 13 million faces. The system can compare biometric data at 46,000 points on a face and will immediately signal any matches to known criminals... Link permalink
The GAO report projected that linking passports and tax obligations could lead to a windfall for the IRS, if Congress opts to draft legislation making that possible. Link permalink
"I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay," Jessica explained. "She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat 'spring spheres.' I couldn't call them Easter eggs." Link permalink
This is a copy of actual the Seizure Warrant Who is this FBI guy Kenneth Keller? Is he a real expert? Also why did they delete the following information from the WHOIS search on the Warrant regarding Carl Calabrose? and other regitrants. Looks like that infor is still available... Link permalink
[VIDEO] Ron Paul on AC360 4/12/11 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty Link permalink
San Francisco's Entertainment Commission has proposed that all bars, clubs, and venues should be required to photograph and collect ID from everyone who comes in for a drink or a show. The photos and personal information would be retained so that police could get a list of... Link permalink
"Protecting Americans' personal, private information is vital to making the Information Age everything it should be," said Kerry, the Democrat from Massachusetts who lost the 2004 White House race to George W. Bush. Kerry, who chairs the Senate Subcommittee on... Link permalink
The two US soldiers were reportedly targeted after being mistaken for Taliban militants, the report added. Link permalink
Coming to your neighborhood. Unmanned drones flying coast-to-coast over the United States! "The world is going to spend $80 billion on unmanned aircraft between now and 2016." Link permalink
Items such as night vision goggles, pistols, field kits, boots, body armor, machinery and rations have gone missing around British military bases in the past year, and officials there say the disappearances are starting to add up. (Now where did I park that tank?) Link permalink
Pop star Jessie J said she was shocked to see many people so drunk they "could not even stand" at a University gig. She tweeted shortly after coming off stage saying it was probably "one of her hardest" gigs to date - Who would have thought, students drinking... Link permalink
ROME (Reuters) - Italy's parliament is due to vote on a justice reform bill on Wednesday which would cut the length of many trials and end a bribery case against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Link permalink
Silvio Berlusconi said Monday he had given about 60,000 euros (86,570 dollars) to a Moroccan go-go dancer at the centre of the Italian Prime Minster's sex scandal to prevent her from having to turn to prostitution. Link permalink
On the same day that Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs Verhagen announced efforts to prevent the export of internet filters to repressive regimes, State Secretary of Justice and Security Teeven announced the introduction of the national blacklisting of websites. Link permalink
In the Netherlands only the uploading part of file-sharing is punishable by law, but if new plans from the Government are adopted this may soon change. Link permalink
A cross-party commission of French MPs have recommended criminalising all clients of sex workers, meaning anyone who buys sex from any kind of prostitute would face prison and a fine. Link permalink
Gitmo Nation Stinky Cheese's ban on full face veils, a first in Gitmo States Of Gitmo States Of Europe, went into force Monday, exposing anyone who wears the Muslim niqab or burqa in public to fines of 150 euros ($216). Link permalink
Several local councils are now planning to solve the problem of excessive garbage by sending unemployed people out to clear it up. Link permalink
MORE than four million Australians say they drink alcohol with the aim of getting drunk, a new study has found. And about half of those people try to get drunk at least once a week. Link permalink
A group of conservative politicians is making headway towards a ban on topless bathing on some of Australia's best known beaches. Link permalink
New Zealand's last attempt at cutting off Internet access to alleged file-swappers generated so much opposition that the government had to back off and rethink its approach Link permalink
Twitter and Facebook users have again banded together to protest the legislation, "blacking out" their avatars by changing the images into black squares and tweeting using the hashtag Link permalink
Two years ago, between February 16-23, internet users changed their avatars to black squares, to oppose Section 92a of the Copyright Act. It was backed by comic Stephen Fry. Link permalink
The government of New Zealand is sneaking in its controversial "3-strikes" Internet disconnection law tonight as part of its emergency legislation dealing with the Christchurch earthquke. Bill 92A was passed once before and then rescinded after massive popular... Link permalink
[VIDEO] - Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill - Second Reading - Part 7 Link permalink
Pakistan has demanded that the United States steeply reduce the number of Central Intelligence Agency operatives and Special Operations forces working in Pakistan, and that it put on hold C.I.A. drone strikes aimed at militants in northwest Pakistan, a sign of the near collapse... Link permalink
"They're gonna do something nefarious," the crew's intelligence coordinator chimed in. At 6:22 a.m., the drone pilot radioed an update: "All ... are finishing up praying and rallying up near all three vehicles at this time." The camera operator... Link permalink
Passengers on long-haul flights are currently banned from carrying duty-free liquids between planes while in transit, but should be allowed to do so on April 29. The goods - including alcohol, perfume and aerosols will have to be carried in tamper-proof clear plastic bags. EU... Link permalink
Martin announced Friday that he would list every lobbying offer he receives on his website, The Austrian lawmaker's 'lobby ticker' already features scanned-in copies of offers he has received since April 1. Link permalink
N, P, and K are the three primary nutrients required for plant growth. Nitrogen controls the metabolic processes required for plant growth, and it is an important factor in photosynthesis. Link permalink
"In 2009, I visited the Democratic Republic of Congo for the first time and I remember feeling utterly overwhelmed. It was a trip that really opened my eyes or, should I say, slapped me in the face with the realities of the country." Link permalink
In the violence after a January vote for independence, 93,000 people have fled their homes, including more than 40,000 in the last month alone, officials say. Link permalink
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Darfuri refugees have taken 12 Sudanese aid workers hostage in the volatile Kalma camp, a spokesman for the U.N.-African Union peacekeeping mission UNAMID said Wednesday, raising tension in strife-ridden west Sudan. Link permalink
A former U.S. Marine captain, Ritter served as a top weapons inspector in Iraq following the 1991 Gulf War. He resigned in 1998, accusing the United States and the U.N. Security Council of failing to take action after Iraq blocked access to suspected weapons sites. Link permalink
While NPR fights a defunding battle, the network unleashes a new weapon: A proprietary advertising network that will allow geo-targeted sponsoring of live streams. Link permalink
CLEVELAND---The homeless man suspected of bombing a synagogue in Santa Monica, California April 7 faces a federal judge in Cleveland Wednesday afternoon. Link permalink
The U.S. wants to keep perhaps several thousand troops in Iraq, not to engage in combat but to guard against an unraveling of a still-fragile peace. Link permalink
his lawyer explained that Ahmed had succumbed to a government sting operation after being seduced by violent extremist rhetoric from a radical cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki Link permalink
Rachel Maddow: Confederate themes back in fashion Link permalink
I work for an integrator which will be installing the electronics and communications equipment in this vehicle for DOS bound for Afghanistan. It is gonna cost like $225,000 just to ship this thing over there. There is no way we are going anywhere, look at the equipment going in... Link permalink
William Veale, April Gallop's lawyer from the Center for 9/11 Justice, learning of the assignment the usual 5 days before the argument, filed a motion to disqualify Judge Walker the day before the argument. Link permalink
Rumsfeld asked a deputy to draw up the memo in July 2004, more than a year after the invasion and four months after the insurgency began to explode with the lynching of four Blackwater contractors in Fallujah. It listed 29 eventualities the Pentagon had allegedly planned for... Link permalink
Private investigator Neil Sankey, using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Barack Obama's name. Whose Identity Did Obama Steal?. SSN: 042-68-4425 However, it may not be as many as 25, since... Link permalink
NAIROBI, Kenya - A ship-based laser tested by the Navy's research arm could put the heat on Somali pirates. The Navy for the first time last week successfully tested a solid-state high-energy laser from a ship. The beam, which was aimed at a boat moving through turbulent Pacific Ocean waters, set the target's engine on fire. Link permalink
[VIDEO] Libyan contact group calls on the colonel to leave Libya | euronews, world news Link permalink
Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking? | Truthout Link permalink
NATO, Arab and African ministers agreed Wednesday "to work urgently" with the Libyan rebel leadership to set up a mechanism by which some frozen assets belonging to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and his family might be transferred to the rebel cause. Link permalink
The honest answer is that there is no military solution to this conflict. We need a political solution, and its up to the Libyan people to come up with one. We can only call upon the leadership in Tripoli to put an end to its acts of violence, to grant the people their legitimate rights and to permit a peaceful transition to democracy. Link permalink
De Libische rebellen van de gewapende poging tot omver werpen van de Libische regering van 17 februari hadden gloednieuwe wapens sinds de eerste dag van de opstand. Deze wapens waren van niet-Libische oorsprong en waren al stiekem ingevoerd in Libi in... Link permalink
The former Gadhafi loyalist read a prepared statement to the BBC's Arabic language television channel and did not take any questions. He has been held at an undisclosed location for two weeks. Link permalink
A top NATO general retorted that the alliance was "doing a great job." Link permalink
An international group is due to hold talks on the future of Libya in the Qatari capital on Wednesday after an African Union attempt to broker a peace deal collapsed. Koussa, a long-time top aide to Gaddafi, will not participate in the meeting but is expected to hold talks on... Link permalink
Rasmussen said:  permalink
All this makes some observers raise an eyebrow about Carvin's work.  permalink
A document purportedly drafted by senior Syrian intelligence officials details a chilling plan to infiltrate the ranks of anti-regime protesters, arrest and assassinate their leaders, and link anti-regime demonstrations to the work of Zionist and other outside agitators. Link permalink
Researchers are warning iodine deficiency could be becoming endemic in the UK and are suggesting manufacturers should start adding it to table salt. Link permalink
Codex Standard for Grade Salt Link permalink
BOSTON -- A shoe containing what appear to be bones has been found along the Merrimack River, a spokesman for the Essex County District Attorney's Office said Tuesday. Link permalink
Monsanto Co (MON.N) shares were up 1.8 percent on Tuesday on rumors Germany's BASF (BASFn.DE), the world's largest chemical maker, would bid for the global biotech seed company. Link permalink
Full-Scale Commercial Launch on Track for 2012 of Next Major Offering in Monsanto's Genuity Reduced-Refuge Corn Product Family Link permalink
Monsanto stands just one FDA approval away from growing soybeans that have been genetically modified to produce those omega-3 fatty acids that doctors are always recommending. Link permalink
If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar [and HFCS] is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years. But his argument implies more than that... Link permalink
The Institute of Science in Society's Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports that a USDA senior scientist has sent an "emergency" warning to US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack regarding a new plant pathogen in Roundup Ready GM soybean and corn that may be responsible for... Link permalink
Monsanto has turned the drop in international corn reserves and the havoc wreaked on Mexican corn production by an unexpected cold snap into an argument for speeding up commercial planting of its genetically modified (GM) corn in Mexico. The transnational is claiming that its... Link permalink
Today in the U.S., taxpayers are bearing the cost of the cotton subsidies and the cost of failure to reform them. Link permalink
T. whereas, despite the existing conventions, military research is ongoing on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system, Link permalink
According to the security company, the virus is designed to target a German-made program often used in systems managing water, gas and oil pipelines. The program is used at public utilities around the world, including in Japan. Link permalink
Thursday evening's launch of an Atlas V rocket from Vandenberg AFB remains on schedule. The rocket is slated to lift-off from Space Launch Complex 3 at 21:24 (9:24 p.m.) PDT, the start of a launch window of unknown duration. The Atlas will initially rise vertically before... Link permalink
Russia orders missile alert after mysterious 'vortex' slams into Germany A shocking 'top-secret' report prepared Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on their meeting this past week with Prime Minister Putin, in Novgorod region, warns that... Link permalink
Russian researchers posted near the giant South Pole sub-glacial Lake Vostok have reported eerie anomalies and incidents over the past few years that sometimes seem to border on the frayed edge of creeping madness. Link permalink
US scientists discovered two giant whirlpools in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Guyana and Suriname. It became a sensational discovery because this part of the ocean has been studied thoroughly, and no one expected anything like that to appear in the area. More... Link permalink
When the next king of England is crowned, he will go through the same sacred ceremonies as his illustrious predecessors. Like them, just before being crowned, he will be anointed with oil from the Holy Land. Link permalink
Geomagnetic storm in progress! (w.tromp news feed) Link permalink
The government is likely to give final forest clearance to 50 coal blocks soon, bringing relief to companies such as Jindal Steel & Power , Reliance Power , Monnet Ispat, SAIL , NTPC and Hindalco Industries . The coal blocks, owned by thirty-odd companies, hold reserves of at... Link permalink
New home sales dropped one third in Shanghai last week while the average price remained below 20,000 yuan (US$3,058) per square meter for the second straight week. Sales of new homes, excluding those built under the city's affordable housing programs, dived 33.4 percent to... Link permalink
Senator Chuck Grassley will be in Allamakee, Appanoose, Benton, Black Hawk, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Clayton, Davis, Decatur, Dubuque, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Howard, Jefferson, Jones, Keokuk, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Mitchell, Monroe, Polk, Ringgold, Wapello,... Link permalink
An application to build a 33-turbine wind farm in North Canterbury has been lodged by Meridian Energy. The application, publicly notified by the Hurunui District Council on Saturday, seeks land-use consent for a wind farm at Centre Hill, near Greta Valley, about 66 kilometres... Link permalink
The Jigawa state police command has arrested 33 persons across the state various electoral offenses during the last Saturday National Assembly election, contrary to provision of the 2010 electoral Act. Addressing newsmen Tuesday, Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG, in... Link permalink
- Thirty-three million Americans are expected to celebrate the Easter holiday by dining out, according to new research from the National Restaurant Association. Lunch and dinner are the most popular meals for Easter celebrations, and when it comes to must-have food, more than... Link permalink
Ad sales contributed to online television revenue topping $1.6 billion in 2010, up 33% from $1.2 billion in revenue in 2009. Ad revenue jumped 64.7% to $719 million from $436.8 million during the period. Ad-supported online shows and clips viewed increased 10% to 3.6... Link permalink
South Africa, the nation with the largest mineral wealth, will end a 33-week moratorium on prospecting applications after installing an online system aimed at avoiding repeats of maladministration. Citigroup Inc.estimated mineral resources at $2.5 trillion. Link permalink
Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed into law a requirement that California get 33% of its electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, by the year 2020. Link permalink
Ad sales contributed to online television revenue topping $1.6 billion in 2010, up 33% from $1.2 billion in revenue in 2009, according to a new report. IHS Screen Digest said ad revenue jumped 64.7% to $719 million from $436.8 million during the period, as broadcasters and... Link permalink
Pump prices averaged $3.791 per gallon of regular on Tuesday, up 6.6% from $3.557 a month ago, according to AAA. Prices are up 33% in the past year. The IBD/TIPP poll found that consumers expect prices to hit $4.54 a gallon in the next three months. Link permalink
- Thirty-three million Americans are expected to celebrate the Easter holiday by dining out, according to new research from the National Restaurant Association. Lunch and dinner are the most popular meals for Easter celebrations, and when it comes to must-have food, more than... Link permalink
Gas Prices Reach 33 Month High In KC Link permalink
Earthquakes at 33 meters deep Link permalink
Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies are working with Victoria Angelica Espinel, the government intellectual property enforcement coordinator, a position President Obama appointed her to in 2009. Link permalink
Victoria Espinel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Link permalink
Major Companies Link permalink
Major companies that have been represented by attorneys of the firm include: Bank of America, Bunge, Deere & Company, Eastman Kodak Company, Eli Lilly, General Electric Company, Giorgio Armani, IBM Corporation, Harley-Davidson,, Microsoft Corporation, Morgan Stanley, NASCAR, National Basketball Association, National Football League, Procter & Gamble, and Verizon.[5] permalink
[edit]Controversial Clients permalink
Controversial clients of the firm include: OCP,[6] Creekstone Farms Quality Beef,[6] Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Philip Morris, Halliburton, and Xe Services.[7] permalink
Pfizer is also using its legal firepower against would-be generic competitors. Pfizer has two patents for Viagra, one for its chemical, expiring in 2012, and the other for its use against impotence, expiring in 2019. Pfizer sued Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the biggest generic-drug company, in March 2010 under the use patent. The suit is pending in a Virginia federal court. permalink
A clinic in Northern Colorado is advising parents of children who received a pediatric flu shot from their offices to get tested for some blood-borne diseases including HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C after their vaccine syringes were shared between patients. Link permalink
In two separate studies, scientists in Spain found that nothing fights radiation damage to micronuclei like a simple garden herb known as rosemary. Link permalink
A panel of medical experts soon concluded that the child deaths weren't connected to the vaccines. Japan's health ministry followed on Thursday by announcing that the vaccines could return to use shortly, possibly as early as April 1, the companies said. Officials at... Link permalink
Japanese researchers say they've developed a motorized hypodermic needle patterned after a mosquito's mouth parts that hurts less than a conventional one. Link permalink
One challenge to broadly implementing HPV vaccination programs in developing countries will be delivering the currently recommended 3 doses of vaccine to adolescents within 6 months (dosing schedules at 0, 2, and 6 months or at 0, 1, and 6 months)," the authors write. Even... Link permalink
A total of 260 patients - including 98 babies and children - are being offered booster jabs for a range of diseases including polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and hepatitis A and B after the problems with the vaccine storage fridge were discovered during an external audit inspection... Link permalink
"My work has literally brought me to the most beautiful places on earth. But apparently nothing is as beautiful as the view of the earth from space. Astronauts who have been lucky enough to have had that experience, say it is life changing." Link permalink
In a move no one expected from Catherine Zeta-Jones , the beautiful 41-year-old actress checked into a mental health care center, has learned. PHOTOS: Catherine Zeta-Jones Checks Into Mental Health Center Link permalink
A British former poledancer who miscarried Osama Bin Laden's twin grandchildren last year is pregnant again with the grandchild of the world's most wanted terrorist. It's the fifth time Louise Pollard has undergone IVF to provide Bin Laden's son Omar, 30, and... Link permalink

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